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What is Construction?

There are several approaches to constructing a building. Using a design-build or construction management approach means the contractor will already be well-versed in your project. In a traditional design-bid-build process, the project is put out to bid, and a general contractor is selected according to pre-established factors, such as experience, schedule, and cost.


During the construction phase, the goal of the project team is to monitor the implementation of the design into construction to ensure that the original intent has not been compromised. Activities occurring during construction that are led by the healthcare organization include: launching internal readiness and process improvement plans, obtaining zoning and use permits, establishing early permit and third party approvals, and beginning transition planning, and obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy (CO). 


Construction Activities

Activities developed during this phase that are design team-led processes include: coordinating construction administration documents, developing punch lists, and completing project close-out.


Evidence-Based Design

The team should monitor implementation of design (Step Seven) to ensure EBD innovations are implemented as envisioned during the design phase.

Evidence-Based Design Activities

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As construction starts, it is the role of the project team to monitor the EBD interventions to ensure that the original intent has not been compromised. If alternates or substitutions are proposed to reduce costs, it is essential to refer to the project’s EBD goals and objectives to ensure that the integrity of the project is maintained while the project is made more cost effective.