
The Exterior Lighting module provides you with the ability to consider the benefits of using newer forms of lighting in your parking lot. Incandescent gave way to fluorescent lighting years ago. Now, sodium vapor and LED lighting provide more viable, energy-efficient options. As with all the cost-benefit modules in this website, the focus is on supporting preliminary decisions, such as "Does the use of LED lighting make sense for our parking lot?" "Should we go with sodium vapor or other lighting choices?" The analyses that you can run in this module will allow you and your team to have a more informed discussion with your stakeholders and those who will be designing the facility.

The Exterior Lighting module does not provide for a parking charge because the costs covered by such a fee (repaving, striping, etc.) do not fall into the scope of this cost-benefit model. It would be erroneous to assume that parking fees would be entirely dedicated to parking lot lighting. Therefore, this module summarizes the NPV of the lighting choice.