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Owner Decision Making

Promising Practices Seminar Updates


Incorporating the Medical Home

The Practitioners Guide to Evidence-Based Design

Integrating Technology to Support Patient Care

Pre-Move Considerations

Creating Spaces for Alternative Types of Patient Visits

Capital Financing

Ask the Architect

Business Planning

Clinic Design Updates


The Effective Owner

Owner Decision Making

Nancy Lager from Primary Care Development Corporation shared her experience in successful facility project development and the effective owner.


Download the report, "Developing a Health Center" prepared by Primary Care Development Corporation and Captial Link.


As an owner, what questions do you have?

Share your EMR Integration Stories

Integrating Technology to Support Patient Care

Have you integrated EMR or are you in the process?  Share your stories, successes and struggles--or questions--regarding implementing EMR.

Setting up your exam room for EMR

Integrating Technology to Support Patient Care

Donna Deckard, EDAC, BSN, MPA talked about integrating technology at the Promising Practices Knowledge exhchange and included some examples and resources.  Here are resources she referenced.


Settung up your exam room for EMR

Computers in the exam room--Friend or foe?

Exam room layouts