Focuses on practice redesign. TransforMED studies and implements transformed models of high performance practices that meets the needs of both patient and practice.
Focuses on practice redesign. TransforMED studies and implements transformed models of high performance practices that meets the needs of both patient and practice.
Keller, A., Joseph, A., Taylor, E., Quan, X. 2011. Promising Practices in Safety-Net Clinic Design: An Overview. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.
Joseph, A., Keller, A, Taylor, E. Quan, X. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Cultural Sensitivity. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.
Taylor, E., Joseph, A., Keller, A., Quan, X. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Flexibility. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.
Quan, X. Joseph, A., Keller, A., Taylor, E. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Innovative Care Delivery Models. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.