Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification-Study Guide 1

Resource Topic(s):
Facility Design, Evidence-Based Design
Resource Type(s):
EBD Parent Phase: 
Organizational Readiness

EDAC Study Guide One explores the history and evolution of EBD through its present definition and defines the key steps of the EBD process. Once the context is set, the guide will explore the components of the healthcare, delivery system, the trends affecting it and the various settings in which delivery occurs.


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Promising Practices in Safety-Net Clinic Design: An Overview 

Keller, A., Joseph, A., Taylor, E., Quan, X. 2011. Promising Practices in Safety-Net Clinic Design: An Overview. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.

Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Cultural Sensitivity

Joseph, A., Keller, A, Taylor, E. Quan, X. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Cultural Sensitivity. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.

Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Flexibility 

Taylor, E., Joseph, A., Keller, A., Quan, X. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Flexibility. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.

Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Innovative Care Delivery Models 

Quan, X. Joseph, A., Keller, A., Taylor, E. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Innovative Care Delivery Models. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.