Council Connections - Group Purchasing

Resource Topic(s):
Facility Design
Resource Type(s):
Advocacy Association

Council Connections is the leading group purchasing organization for California's clinics. All non-profit clinics are eligible to participate in this free program which provides access to hundreds of contracts at discounted rates. Almost everything an organization needs to build, renovate or maintain a facility can be found on contract and at substantially lower prices than obtainable on one's own. Everything from equipment and supplies to furniture and paint can be found within the 1,600 contracts available. Council Connections staff are also well-trained to help your clinic's staff navigate the available contracts and services.


Promising Practices in Safety-Net Clinic Design: An Overview 

Keller, A., Joseph, A., Taylor, E., Quan, X. 2011. Promising Practices in Safety-Net Clinic Design: An Overview. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.

Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Cultural Sensitivity

Joseph, A., Keller, A, Taylor, E. Quan, X. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Cultural Sensitivity. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.

Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Flexibility 

Taylor, E., Joseph, A., Keller, A., Quan, X. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Flexibility. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.

Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Innovative Care Delivery Models 

Quan, X. Joseph, A., Keller, A., Taylor, E. 2011. Designing Safety-Net Clinics for Innovative Care Delivery Models. Concord, CA: Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by The Center for Health Design.